Sports and Recreations

In the educational process sports are used as a pedagogical and social factor supporting active health and fitness, which helps influence the intellectual, social and physical development of students in tertiary education. The role of sports is to offset the one-sided study strain and support the prevention of risk factors of lifestyle such as smoking or obesity. The contents of sports activities influence social understanding, networking, responsibility and cooperation.

Recreation, leisure and sports activities may involve individuals, small groups, teams or whole communities and are relevant to people of all different ages, abilities and levels of skill. The types of recreation, leisure and sports activities people participate in vary greatly depending on local context, and tend to reflect the social systems and cultural values.

“True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united”
Wilhelm Von Humbold


  • A modern and well equipped gymnasium with latest health equipment is made available to students and staff of NIOP in the campus.
  • Students are encouraged to play various indoor and outdoor games.
  • Participation in Sports competition is also encouraged.
  • NIOP Organize tournaments & Summer camps related to sports and games for the students.
  • Students are motivated to participate in the university level & state level events.